The Lude

- Hiring Hosts and Maitre D's -
SFW Ishgardian RP Restaurant and Lounge
Friday 11pm - 1:30am EST
Crystal - Zalera
Ward 4 - Plot 2

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
- Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

We are the stories we tell ourselves..Ms. Yunae Mal Gasai

A prism of remarkably puzzling, outlandishly unorthodox and outright outré characterstheLude's doors have always been open-except for that one time-don't worry about that- And when a place is this welcoming one can never tell who, where, how, why or when some exciting stranger is going to walk in set the Interverse alight!

To those with an adventurous spirit!While the theCellars food will still evolve and provoke curiosities so to will the other musings and occurrences that surround the venue, staff, and patrons.

Something for EVERYONEtheLude offers both a heavy and high engagement Host Lounge: theSavoy (upstairs) while the downstairs takes on a more light and light engagement Restaurant: theCellar.

- News -

See what's to come at theLude!

-We are BACK and We can't wait to see all of you! -